Moving Clipboard Content Between Displays and Machines with Xclip

Since Corona started, I've had to occasionally run zoom and other questionable telecon software. I don't want that proprietary junk on my main machine, partly because I'm a raving Free software lunatic, partly because binary packages from commercial vendors outside of the Debian main repository have a way of blowing up things years after one has put them on a box. I take some pride in never having re-installed my primary machine since 1996, so there would have been lots of opportunity for binary junk to accumulate.

Hence I took a spare box I had sitting around idly, quickly put a simple Debian on its disk and then dumped all the questionable proprietary code next to its systemd and pulseaudio, reckoning that shredding that file system once the zoom pandemic is over will give me a lot of satisfaction.

But now the various links, room ids and whatnot come in on the proper machine. Until a few days ago, I used to move them over to the zoom machine by having a screen open there, ssh-ing in from my main box, running screen -x to attach the screen that is already running in the ssh session, and then pasting the link into that shared screen. It works, but it feels clunky.

The other day, I finally realised there's a better way using a nifty thing called xclip. I had already used xclip for ages whenever I have two displays running on a single box and I need to copy and paste between the two displaye; that happens when I'm at work. Then, I use the following key bindings (in this case for sawfish) on both ends:

(bind-keys global-keymap "M-C-v"
        '(system "xclip -in < ~/.current-clipboard"))
(bind-keys global-keymap "M-C-c"
        '(system "xclip -out > ~/.current-clipboard"))

This lets me hit Alt-Ctrl-C on the first display and Alt-Ctrl-V on the second, and I'll then have what was in the primary selection on the first in the primary selection on the second.

When later webkit on gtk3 started to copy links into the X11 clipboard rather than the primary selection and I wanted a quick way to get them to where I can middle-mouse them in again, I added another xclip binding to my sawfshrc:

(bind-keys global-keymap "M-RET"
  '(system "xclip -out -selection clipboard | xclip -in"))

– that's Meta-Return copying the content of the clipoard to the primary selection, and I've come to use that one quite extensively after initially piling quite a bit of abuse on the gtk3 policy of using the clipboard.

What I noticed the other day was that xclip also lets me conveniently transport the telecon links. I've created an alias for that:

alias zoomclip='xclip -o | ssh zoom "DISPLAY=:0 xclip -r -l 1 -i"'

(zoom here is the name of the target machine). My new workflow is: select the string to transmit, run zoomclip in a terminal, hit the middle mouse button on the target machine to paste what I selected on the source machine. I'm not sure if it saves a lot of time over the old screen-based method, but it sure feels niftier, and I'd say that's reason enough for that alias.

Note that the DISPLAY=:0 in the remote command is necessary because xclip of course is a normal X client and needs to know what display to talk to; and you want the local display on the target machine, not the display on the source machine. The -l 1, on the other hand, makes the xclip on the remote machine exit once you have pasted the content. Leave the option out if you expect to need to paste the thing multiple times. But without the -l 1, due to the way the selections are built on X11 (i.e, the system doesn't store selection content, you're always directly sending stuff between clients), xclip runs (and hence the ssh connection is being maintained) until some other client takes over the selection.

Kategorie: edv

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